Listen more. Amplify more. I've been thinking a lot about the workshop I facilitated for the National Association of Activity Professionals conference: many people want to participate in their own learning - rather than just to passively receive. The whole energy of the room changed - to lean in more - when 3 volunteers stood to participate in a series of roleplays, and when I offered the mic to audience participants to share their own insights.
Now, there is a skill (and a requirement) to still present the material that was promised. And that can still happen, and also, sharing the mic and opening up the floor can help to transform a presenter-and-audience into a co-creation session.
Listen more. Amplify more. "Amplify" recognizes the wisdom and contribution of individuals - not only the individual who was given the mic.
I'm inspired and humbled and grateful. I think we can create small, temporary communities in moments like these - when we host a meeting at work, or attend a volunteer effort, or participate in a social event. We can listen for the quiet and unspoken voices.
 #dementiatips #aging #parkinsons #alzheimers #vasculardementia #parkinsonsdementia #alzheimersdisease #dementia #dementiacare #frontotemporaldegeneration #alzheimer #lewybodydementia #lewybodydisease #dementiasupport #lewybody #LewyBodyDementia #NationalAssociationofActivityProfessionals #activitiesforseniors #seniorliving #seniorliving #LifeEnrichment #lifeenrichment
